What Should I Eat? - the food, the whole food and nothing but the food!
I mean, what really is good food? Do you find yourself Dr Googling this question? There is so much food-hype out there it becomes a bit overwhelming, don't you think? What is it that truly nourishes us?
Over the last several decades the subject of diet and nutrition has seen some interesting facets. We’ve gone from high carb to low carb. From low fat to high fat. From meat to no meat. From cooked foods to raw foods. From wholefoods to shakes. From eating six times a day to fasting every other day. From vegan, to Paleo, to keto, …….
What gives?
Nature is the ultimate master for keeping all things in balance.
Whilst science and continually emerging research is a great tool for depicting the best foods and ways of eating (especially for specific health conditions) we must remember that good old mother nature is the ultimate master of keeping all things in balance. So balance here is key! Quite often, we can easily stoop into tunnel vision, especially when it comes to diets. We may even develop unhealthy eating patterns and behaviours toward food, causing us unnecessary health issues.
Did our distant relatives have such problems?
The old ways of eating, such as those of our ancestors were closely related to good whole foods sourced from nature. And people were probably more in-tune with their bodies and energy requirements through their hunger patterns, circadian rhythm and physical movement than we are today. Perhaps we need to take-a-leaf out of our great-great-grandmother’s cookbook?
Good, simple nutrition - so old it's new again!
One could say, the proof for nourishing goodness may not be in the pudding, but rather presents itself through the natural whole foods we inherently know nurture our being. Avidly, wholefood cooking seems to be making a foresightful return to everyday life and it is great to see that society is becoming more aware of the real nutritious foods that our bodies so deeply crave.
Thank you for reading!
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